Trademark services
Safeguard your brand identity with our efficient trademark registration services. Our comprehensive approach ensures the protection of your trademarks.
- National & International Trademark search.
- Advising on the registrability of Trademark / Service Mark.
- Filing and prosecuting trademark applications in India (including Well known, Multi-Class, Series, Collective & Certification).
- Filing International trademark application as per Madrid protocol by claiming priority.
- Filing trademark applications in individual countries.
- Filing EU community trademarks.
- Prosecution (Oppositions and Hearings).
- Pre Litigation Negotiation/ Mediation
- Registration of a Trademarks or Service marks in India or worldwide.
- Preparations of Trademark caution Notices / other warning notices to be published from time to time.
- Maintenance of a Trademark, ie., periodical payment of renewal fees, recording the changes of ownership of Trademark / Service mark etc.
- Legal advice on infringement of a trademark, passing off or any kind of unfair competition.
- Cease & desist legal notice.
- Alternative dispute resolution/Arbitration and conciliation.
- Litigation in case of infringement, passing off or any kind of unfair competition.
- Assignment/ Licensing.
- Post Grant Opposition and Defence.
- Due diligence/ Brand valuation.
- Monetization of Trademarks.
- Assisting in purchase of Trademarks.
- Takeover and Portfolio management services.
- Naming consultation services.
- Trademark watch services.
- Border control measures.
- Raid & seizure support with the help of law enforcement agencies.